Administration of Client Matters 23%
Development of Client Legal Matters 30%
Factual and Legal Research 22%
Factual and Legal Writing 20.5%
Office Administration 4.5%
Interspersed throughout these five “domains” are questions that also cover ethics and technology. The PACE Study Manual also contains a bibliography of materials used in preparing the manual. Some of the test questions on PACE may be found in the resources set out in the bibliography and not specifically set out in the Study Manual. Therefore, it is important to be familiar with those resources.
There are any number of ways to study for PACE. You need to decide what works best for you. Some of the ways to study for PACE include:
- Studying on your own with the PACE Study Manual and suggested references
- Getting a study buddy
- Taking the 7-week online PACE review course offered through NFPA and AIPS (details and cost information available at http://www.paralegals.org
- Purchase of PACE Study Manual required
- Work directly with an instructor who is a PACE Registered Paralegal (I have met her and she is great! She is very committed and passionate about helping paralegals study for PACE)
- Online course provides sample test questions no longer kept in the PACE test bank
- Cost includes a mock exam at the end of the course
- The next online course begins January 22, 2007
- Start or join a formal study group. Plans are underway to get a Central Indiana study group formed;
- Participate in a local review course offered periodically by IPA. Plans are underway to present a review course in the spring of 2007
- Contact your local PACE Ambassador for help in locating study materials. IPA is building an IPA PACE Library maintained by the PACE Ambassador for use by PACE candidates in helping to provide study materials/references. These resources are available to be “checked out” by PACE candidates. Calling all paralegals!! If you have old PACE study manuals, paralegal textbooks, bar charts, flashcards, etc. that you are not using and would like to donate to the IPA PACE Library to become the property of IPA, please contact Debi Neale, PACE Ambassador mailto:debi@tabberthahn.com). Let’s build up the IPA PACE Library to help those paralegals who may need our help!
Places to Find Study Materials
- National Federation of Paralegal Associations Web site (http://www.paralegals.org/)
- Your local PACE Ambassador and/or paralegal association
- Your local West, Delmar, Aspen, or James publishing representative
- Your local legal publication representative
- Amazon.com (note publication date of textbook)
- Your local community college or university bookstore that has a paralegal program
- Your local law school bookstore
- National Paralegal Reporter and Legal Assistant Today (for articles on legal research, technology, and procedures; and updates on various areas of law)
- Previous PACE study groups
- Barnes & Noble, Borders, or any other local bookstore that has a “law” or “legal”
section - National Association of Legal Assistants Web site (http://www.nala.org/)
- Your firm’s law library and librarian
- Any student who has completed a paralegal program
- Bar charts: http://www.barcharts.com/, priced from $2.95 to $5.95 (can also be found
at local law school bookstores). Bookstores such as Borders and Barnes and
Nobles may sell bar charts. - Seminars sponsored by your local paralegal association, state and local bar associations, PEI, NBI, Lorman, or other continuing education providers
And………..last, but not least…
“IPA Cares – PACE Candidate Survival Kit”
IPA congratulations you on your exciting decision to sit for PACE! This decision alone is a personal achievement and “IPA Cares.” To demonstrate IPA’s moral and professional support of your decision, IPA has developed its own “IPA Cares: PACE Candidate Survival Kit” specifically designed to enhance your study preparation and test taking. This Survival Kit covers in more detail such matters as how PACE was created and designed, the theory behind the writing of the test questions, how to gain employer support regarding your decision to take PACE, frequently asked questions about the online review course, information on PACE study materials and study references, the benefits of participating in a study group, sample test questions, details regarding setting up the test date, test taking tips, test specifics unique to PACE, and overcoming anxiety about PACE. IPA supports your decision to take PACE! The cost of the IPA Cares: PACE Candidate Survival Kit is free to you, however, it is not free to create. Therefore, it can only be provided to serious candidates after they have made the commitment to take PACE and purchased the PACE Study Manual. If that is you, please contact me so I can get a copy of the PACE Candidate Survival Kit to you. IPA Cares! We will do whatever we can to help you proudly achieve your goal of successful completion of PACE.
January 22, 2007
March 5, 2007
April 16, 2007
June 11, 2007
July 23, 2007
September 10, 2007
October 22, 2007
The cost of the course is $395. The student must purchase the PACE Study Manual before the 7 week class starts. Contact Debi Neale, R.P. at debi@tabberthahn.com or http://www.paralegals.org/ for more information.
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