Friday, January 9, 2009

Paralegals Outrank Lawyers on Best Jobs List

Much is made of the fact that federal judges must make substantial financial sacrifices when they leave private law practice.

But the editors of a new best jobs list believe it’s better to be a federal judge, and better still to be a paralegal assistant. Lawyers were ranked 82nd on the list of best jobs by the new job site Federal judges were 69th on the list and paralegal assistants 17th, just below meteorologists and medical laboratory technicians.

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mac Announces New Laptop without Keyboard.

This is simply brilliant. Best Apple product yet (click here to see).

ITunes goes DRM free

Changes Coming to the iTunes Store

- All Songs DRM-Free

- Users Can Download Songs Directly Onto iPhone 3G Over Their 3G Network for the Same Price

- In April 2009, Songs on iTunes Will be Available at Three Price Points
